Invisible Forms is based on the transformation of something usually invisible and ephemeral into its opposite – something heavy and massive. Kadyrova gives physical form to rays of light and shadows, fashioning them from cement. Lamps, video-cameras, headlights, security cameras, electric sockets and light switches – all these devices emit light waves or cast shadows that are rarely registered by our consciousness. Yet this invisibility is quite illusory because these devices actually invade our lives with significant consequences ranging from the positive lighting of dark spaces to threatening interference in a person’s private sphere.
The individual objects of Invisible Forms are formed inside the exhibition space, taking into consideration its architectural features designed to emphasize the imaginary invisibility of light and shadow. So, for example, when making the work for the exhibition center Le Moulin outside Paris, Kadyrova took into account the narrow corridors of the former old factory, especially suited for such large-scale cement installations that clutter the passages and obstruct movement, thus highlighting the relentless presence of “invisible forms.”

SECURITY CAMERAS 2015 Cent quatre, Paris

SECURITY CAMERAS 2015 Cent quatre, Paris

SECURITY CAMERAS 2015 Cent quatre, Paris

SECURITY CAMERAS 2015 Cent quatre, Paris




Ukrainian Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale

Ukrainian Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale

Ukrainian Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale

Ukrainian Pavilion, 55th Venice Biennale

2014 National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv

2014 National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv

VIDEO CAMERA 2014 National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv

VIDEO CAMERA 2014 National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv

FORM HEADLIGHTS 2014 "Open City”, Art Festival in Public Spaces, Lublin

FORM HEADLIGHTS 2014 "Open City”, Art Festival in Public Spaces, Lublin

FORM HEADLIGHTS 2012 Car, wooden frame, cement 625 × 172 × 148 Production of "Isolation. Platform for Cultural Initiatives "Donetsk, Ukraine Photo: Oak Taylor-Smith

FORM HEADLIGHTS 2012 Car, wooden frame, cement 625 × 172 × 148 Production of "Isolation. Platform for Cultural Initiatives Photo: Oak Taylor-Smith

ROSETTE 2012 Rosette, cement Production of "Isolation. Platform for Cultural Initiatives "Donetsk, Ukraine Photo: Oak Taylor-Smith


FORM OF SHADOWS 2010 Mala Galereya of Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv

FORM OF LIGHT 2010 Mala Galereya of Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv

SECURITY CAMERAS 2012 Surveillance camera, wooden frame, drywall, cement 250 × 380 × 260 Production of "Isolation. Platform for Cultural Initiatives Photo: Oak Taylor-Smit

LIGHT SWITCHES 2011 Light switches, cement 12 × 12 × 4

SECURITY CAMERA 2012 Surveillance camera, wooden frame, drywally, cement 250 × 380 × 260 Production of Izolyatsia. Platform for Cultural Initiatives Photo: Oak Taylor-Smith

SECURITY CAMERA 2012 "Chocolate House" Kiev

FORM OF LIGHT 2013 Bialystok, Poland

SECURITY CAMERA 2013 Bialystok, Poland

PRESS RELEASE 2011 Lamp, cement, wood block 60 × 30 × 30 Mala Galereya of Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv

VIDEO PROJECTION 2011 Mala Galereya of Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv

VIDEO CAMERA 2012 Video camera, wooden frame, drywall, cement 260 × 220 × 320 Production of Izolyatsia. Platform for Cultural Initiatives Photo: Oak Taylor-Smith
© Тексты о работах: Олена Червонык, Виталий Атанасов
© Дизайн: Денис Рубан
© Переводы: Лариса Бабий,
Екатерина Кочеткова, Марьяна Матвейчук,
Куролай Абдухаликова